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Letra de Save Myself - Ashe

Lyrics de Ashe - Letras de canciones de Ashe

Save Myself | Ashe Lyrics

Canción: Save Myself
Artista: Ashe
Música: Pop

God damn, hindsight 2020
Poured rain all over my sunny
Someday, this will all be funny
Mmm, mmm, mmm
We were cocaine, playing milk and honey
Dysfunctional, I was a junkie
Someday, this will all be funny
Oh, oh, oh

I know everything worked out
The way it's meant to be
But honestly

If I had the chance (Chance)
I would take it back (Back)
Jumping off your sinking ship
'Stead of going down with it, oh
One day, I'll be good (Good)
Right now, I'm just mad (Mad)
Over being so mature
If only I was never yours, oh
I could've saved myself
Time and lots of money
Coulda saved myself, ah-ooh
I shouldn't blame myself
I kinda saw it coming
Coulda saved myself from you

Red flags, tended to ignore them
White flag, never sent it soaring
So hard to forget it in the morning
No, oh, oh

I know everything worked out
The way it's meant to be
But honestly

If I had the chance (Chance)
I would take it back (Back)
Jumping off your sinking ship
'Stead of going down with it, oh
One day, I'll be good (Good)
Right now, I'm just mad (Mad)
Over being so mature
If only I was never yours, oh
I could've saved myself
Time and lots of money
Coulda saved myself, ah-ooh
I shouldn't blame myself
I kinda saw it coming
Coulda saved myself from you

Saved myself (Oh)

I coulda saved myself
From wasting half my twenties
Saved myself from you

I could've saved myself
Time and lots of money
Coulda saved myself, ah-ooh
I shouldn't blame myself
I kinda saw it coming
Coulda saved myself from you

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