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Letra de Live Forever - Lil Peep

Lyrics de Lil Peep - Letras de canciones de Lil Peep

Lil Peep - Live Forever

Canción: Live Forever
Artista: Lil Peep
Música: Urbana

Every time I hit the dope I have a new dream
Havin' visions of everybody who knew me
See my face on the motherfuckin' big screen
Live forever, bitch, I'm smokin' on that HD

Knock, knock, bitch, I'm kickin' in the front door
Live forever, get them motherfuckin' blunts rolled
Now I pull up and I get it how I want, ho
Now I pull up, not on purpose, and I stunt, ho
I got problems with your motherfuckin' god
I been workin' like I never had a job

Every time I hit the dope I have a new dream
Havin' visions of everybody who knew me
See my face on the motherfuckin' big screen
Live forever, bitch, I'm smokin' on that HD

Ayy, ayy, ayy, ayy

Knock, knock, bitch, I'm kickin' in the front door
Live forever, get them motherfuckin' blunts rolled
Now I pull up and I get it how I want, ho
Now I pull up, not on purpose, and I stunt, ho
I got problems with your motherfuckin' god
I been workin' like I never had a job

Every time I hit the dope I have a new dream
Havin' visions of everybody who knew me
See my face on the motherfuckin' big screen
Live forever, bitch, I'm smokin' on that HD

Knock, knock, bitch, I'm kickin' in the front door
Live forever, get them motherfuckin' blunts rolled
Now I pull up and I get it how I want, ho
Now I pull up, not on purpose, and I stunt, ho
I got problems with your motherfuckin' god
I been workin' like I never had a job

Every time I hit the dope I have a new dream
Havin' visions of everybody who knew me
See my face on the motherfuckin' big screen
Live forever, bitch, I'm smokin' on that HD

En Amazon encuentra Live Forever de Lil Peep:

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