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Letra de Se Acabo - La Lupe

Lyrics de La Lupe - Letras de canciones de La Lupe

Se Acabo | La Lupe Lyrics

Canción: Se Acabó
Artista: La Lupe
Música: Bolero

Once we loved
and love was my purpose
through the pain of life
you brought me goodness

To be safe in the shape of love
was all I lived for
love was good
love was pure

Se acabó
lo nuestro está muerto
se acabó
te juro que es cierto

Si algún poco de fe en nuestro amor
todavía me quedaba
ya no existe
ya no hay nada

Once we loved
the world became my palace
the trees
my royal birth

The birds
my private cause
the sun
the moon and stars

Would do, as I command them
And then, I cannot own them
I found you were gone
and again I'm alone

Se acabó
se acabó in English
means it's over, baby
all over

Once we loved
and love was my purpose
in the pain of life
I found myself now

To be safe in the shape of your love
was all I lived for
but don't worry
I'll get over

Don't be sorry for me, I'm allright
I won't cry anymore, ay
once we loved
se acabó, se acabó

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