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Letra de Maybe - Machine Gun Kelly & Bring Me The Horizon

Lyrics de Machine Gun Kelly - Letras de canciones de Machine Gun Kelly

Maybe | Machine Gun Kelly & Bring Me The Horizon Lyrics

Canción: Maybe
Artista: Machine Gun Kelly & Bring Me The Horizon
Música: Rock


Maybe If I had something to say
Butterfly effect from the last three days now
Maybe if I had something to save
I used to have a soul until I threw it away
There's shadows on the wall, wish I would’ve ran
Gotta get away I hope you understand
I try to hide my face like a wanted man
Maybe I'll be gone before you count to 10

I made up my mind this evening
I'm taking the last I’m taking the last
Drink while my conscious eats me
I'm taking the last I’m taking the last
I'm ready to let you go
I'm ready to let you go
I'm ready to let you go
This time is the last this time is the last

Maybe if we went another way
I wouldn't be regretting the decisions that I made
I don't want to spend another day
Looking for somebody that I know I can't replace
My tears fall you don’t miss me
Put me out my misery
Think my heart is history
I think I'm broke and nothing can fix me

I made up my mind this evening
I'm taking the last I’m taking the last
Drink while my conscious eats me I'm taking the last I’m taking the last
I'm ready to let you go
I'm ready to let you go
I'm ready to let you go
This time is the last this time is the last

We were built to fall apart
But I can't feel you now
And it’s too late now there’s no point screaming
Dug your grave so fuck your feelings
No one's here so now you’re on your own

I made up my mind this evening
I'm taking the last I’m taking the last
Drink while my conscious eats me
I'm taking the last I’m taking the last
I'm ready to let you go
I'm ready to let you go
I'm ready to let you go
This time is the last this time is the last

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