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Letra de Part Time Lover - Stevie Wonder

Lyrics de Stevie Wonder - Letras de canciones de Stevie Wonder

Part Time Lover | Stevie Wonder Lyrics

Canción: Part Time Lover
Artista: Stevie Wonder
Música: Pop

Call up, ring once, hang up the phone
To let me know you made it home
Don't want nothing to be wrong with part-time lover

If she's with me I'll blink the lights
To let you know tonight's the night
For me and you my part-time lover

We are undercover passion on the run
Chasing love up against the sun
We are strangers by day, lovers by night
Knowing it's so wrong, but feeling so right

If I'm with friends and we should meet
Just pass me by, don't even speak
Know the word's "discreet" when part-time lovers

But if there's some emergency
Have a male friend to ask for me
So then she won't peek its really you my part-time lover

We are undercover passion on the run
Chasing love up against the sun
We are strangers by day, lovers by night
Knowing it's so wrong, but feeling so right


Part-time lover


Part-time lover

We are undercover passion on the run
Chasing love up against the sun
We are strangers by day, lovers by night
Knowing it's so wrong, but feeling so right

I've got something that I must tell
Last night someone rang our doorbell
And it was not you my part-time lover

And then a man called our exchange
But didn't want to leave his name
I guess that two can play the game

Of part-time lovers
You and me, part-time lovers
But, she and he, part-time lovers


Part-time lover


Part-time lover


Part-time lover


Part-time lover


Part-time lover


Part-time lover

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