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Letra de I Can't Stop Loving You - Ray Charles

Lyrics de Ray Charles - Letras de canciones de Ray Charles

I Can't Stop Loving You | Ray Charles Lyrics

Canción: I Can't Stop Loving You
Artista: Ray Charles
Música: Balada

(I can't stop loving you)
I've made up my mind
To live in memories of the lonesome times

(I can't stop wanting you)
It's useless to say
So I'll just live my life in dreams of yesterdays (dreams of yesterdays)

Those happy hours that we once knew
Tho' long ago, they still make me blue
They say that time heals a broken heart
But time has stood still since we've been apart

(I can't stop loving you)
I've made up my mind
To live in memories of the lonesome times

(I can't stop wanting you)
It's useless to say
So I'll just live my life in dreams of yesterdays

(Those happy hours) Those happy hours (That we once knew) that we once knew
(Tho' long ago) tho' long ago, (still make me blue) still make me blue
(They say that time) they say that time (Heals a broken heart) heals a broken heart
(But time has stood still) time has stood still (Since we've been apart) since we've been apart

(I can't stop loving you)
I said I've made up my mind
To live in memories of the lonesome times

Sing the song, children
(I can't stop wanting you)
It's useless to say
So I'll just live my life of dreams of yesterdays (of yesterdays)

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