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Letra de Diana - Paul Anka

Lyrics de Paul Anka - Letras de canciones de Paul Anka

Diana | Paul Anka Lyrics

Canción: Diana
Artista: Paul Anka
Música: Rock

I'm so young and you're so old
This, my darling, I've been told
I don't care just what they say
'Cause forever I will pray

You and I will be as free
As the birds up in the trees
Oh, please, stay by me, Diana

Thrills I get when you hold me close
Oh, my darling, you're the most
I love you but do you love me
Oh Diana, can't you see

I love you with all my heart
And I hope we will never part
Oh, please, stay by me, Diana

Oh my darlin', oh my lover
Tell me that there is no other
I love you with my heart
Oh-oh, oh-oh
Oh don't you know I love you, love you so

Only you can take my heart
Only you can tear it apart
When you hold me in your loving arms
I can feel you giving all your charms

Hold me darling, hold me tight
Squeeze me baby with all your might
Oh, please, stay by me, Diana
Oh, please, Diana
Oh, please, Diana
Oh, please, Diana

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