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Letra de Up Up And Away - Juice WRLD

Lyrics de Juice WRLD - Letras de canciones de Juice WRLD

Up Up And Away | Juice WRLD Lyrics

Canción: Up Up And Away
Artista: Juice WRLD
Música: Urbana


Up, up and away, hop in
Feel the walls in my brain and they're caving in
Outside those walls, there's a ocean, I can't swim
Especially with all these waves

I'm walkin' in Prada, tryna solve my problems
Through the night, finding vibes, Moonlight Sonata
I try to deny, but you see the pills in my eyes
I tell her that I'm high, but she don't seem surprised
Walkin' in Prada, tryna solve my problems
Through the night, finding vibes, Moonlight Sonata
I try to deny, but you see the pills in my eyes
I tell her that I'm high, but she don't seem surprised (Uh)

Maybe I realize that my life is a ride
Buckle up, hold tight, take a left, turn right
GPS don't work, can't see at night
So it's getting hard to drive, anxiety at a stoplight
Hard to think, easy to cry, that's how I know something's not right
Numb the pain with fun times, supermotos, Perc lines
Remember that one time everything was alright
Alright (Oh-oh-oh)

Up, up and away, hop in
Feel the walls in my brain and they're caving in
Outside those walls, there's a ocean, I can't swim
Especially with all these waves

I'm walkin' in Prada, tryna solve my problems
Through the night, finding vibes, Moonlight Sonata
I try to deny, but you see the pills in my eyes
I tell her that I'm high, but she don't seem surprised
Walkin' in Prada, tryna solve my problems
Through the night, finding vibes, Moonlight Sonata
I try to deny, but you see the pills in my eyes
I tell her that I'm high, but she don't seem surprised

Up, up and away, hop in
Feel the walls in my brain and they're caving in
Outside those walls, there's a ocean, I can't swim
Especially with all these waves

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