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Letra de Take Over (League Of Legends) - Jeremy McKinnon (A Day To Remember) & MAX & Henry

Lyrics de A Day To Remember - Letras de canciones de A Day To Remember

Take Over | Jeremy McKinnon (A Day To Remember) & MAX & Henry Lyrics

Canción: Take Over (League Of Legends)
Artista: Jeremy McKinnon (A Day To Remember) & MAX & Henry
Música: Urbana


We at the top again, now what?
Heavy lay the crown, but
Count us
Higher than the mountain
And we be up here for the long run
Strap in for a long one
(We got everybody on one)

Now you're coming at the king, so you better not miss
And we only get stronger
With everything I carry up on my back
You should paint it up with a target

Oh oh whoa oh oh
Why would you dare me to do it again?
Come get your spoiler up ahead

We're taking over, We're taking over
Look at you come at my name, you 'oughta know by now
That we're taking over, We're taking over
Maybe you wonder what your future's gonna be, but
I got it all locked up


Take a lap now, don't be mad now
Run it back, run it back, run it back now
I got bodies lining up, think you're dreaming of greatness?
Send you back home, let you wake up

Oh oh whoa oh oh
Why would you dare me to do it again?
Come get your spoiler up ahead

We're taking over, We're taking over
Look at you come at my name, you 'oughta know by now
That we're taking over, We're taking over
Maybe you wonder what your future's gonna be, but
I got it all locked up


I got the heart of lion
I know the higher you climbing, the harder you fall
I’m at the top of the mount
Too many bodies to count, I’ve been through it all
I had to weather the storm to get to level I’m on
That’s how the legend was born
All of my enemies already dead
I’m bored, I’m ready for more
They know I’m ready for war
I told 'em

We're taking over, We're taking over
Look at you come at my name, you 'oughta know by now
That we're taking over, We're taking over
Maybe you wonder what your future's gonna be, but
I got it all locked up

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