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Letra de 911 - Lady Gaga

Lyrics de Lady Gaga - Letras de canciones de Lady Gaga

911 | Lady Gaga Lyrics

Canción: 911
Artista: Lady Gaga
Música: Pop

Turnin' up emotional faders
Keep repeating self-hating phrases
I have heard enough of these voices
Almost like I have no choice
This is biological stasis
My mood's shifting to manic places
Wish I laughed and kept the good friendships
Watch life, here I go again

I can't see me cry
Can't see me cry ever again (Ooh)
I can't see me cry
Can't see me cry, this is the end (Ooh)

My biggest enemy is me, pop a 911
My biggest enemy is me, pop a 911
My biggest enemy is me ever since day one
Pop a 911, then pop another one

Keep my dolls inside diamond boxes
Save 'em 'til I know I'm gon' drop this
Front I've built around my oasis
Paradise is in my hands
Holdin' on so tight to this status
It's not real, but I'll try to grab it
Keep myself in beautiful places
Paradise is in my hands

I can't see me cry
Can't see me cry ever again (Ooh)
I can't see me cry
Can't see me cry, this is the end (Ooh)

My biggest enemy is me, pop a 911
My biggest enemy is me, pop a 911
My biggest enemy is me ever since day one
Pop a 911, then pop another one

Pop, pop another one (Ooh)
Pop a 911, then pop another one (Ooh)

I can't see me cry
Can't see me cry ever again (Ooh)
I can't see me cry
Can't see me cry, this is the end (Ooh)

My biggest enemy is me, pop a 911
My biggest enemy is me, pop a 911
My biggest enemy is me ever since day one
Pop a 911, then pop another one

Please patch the line, please patch the line
Need a 911, can you patch the line?
Please patch the line, please patch the line
Need a 911, can you patch the line?

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