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Letra de Smile - Juice WRLD & The Weeknd

Lyrics de Juice WRLD - Letras de canciones de Juice WRLD

Smile | Juice WRLD & The Weeknd Lyrics

Canción: Smile
Artista: Juice WRLD & The Weeknd
Música: Urbana

I'd do anything in my power to see you just smile
I want you to prosper and come proper
Even if that means I ain't by your side
I'd do anything in my power to see you just smile
I want you to prosper and come proper
Even if that means I ain't by your side

Devil on my shoulder tellin' me I'll die soon
I don't really want that to impact you
But I don't know, maybe I'm just paranoid
I just want the best for you, I just want what's left of you
Oh, you tell me that you're sad inside
I'm sad that I can't satisfy
Yeah, I pray that I get it right this time
Maybe we'll be alright
Oh, you tell me that you're sad inside
I'm sad that I can't satisfy
Yeah, I pray that I get it right this time
Maybe we'll be alright

I'd do anything in my power to see you just smile
I want you to prosper and come proper
Even if that means I ain't by your side
I'd do anything in my power to see you just smile
I want you to prosper and come proper
Even if that means I ain't by your side

Oh yeah
I just wanna see you smile (You smile)
Don't cry (Don't cry)
Even though it means I gotta let you go (Yeah)
Dependent on ya, gotta learn to be alone ('Lone)
'Cause I'm so desensitized
When our skin is touching (Yeah), I need drugs to love you (Yeah)
You want so much more from me, but I can only fuck you (You)
I spent every day right beside you ('Side you), 'side you ('Side you)
A hundred pics of me on your phone
Now you're someone that I used to know
At this point, we playin' with fire (Fire), fire (Fire)
You don't wanna see what's in my phone
It's just gonna hurt you more (More)

I'd do anything in my power to see you just smile (Oh yeah)
I want you to prosper and come proper
Even if that means I ain't by your side (Oh, oh)
I'd do anything in my power (My power) to see you just smile
I want you to prosper and come proper
Even if that means I ain't by your side

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