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Letra de Pain - Nessa Barrett

Lyrics de Nessa Barrett - Letras de canciones de Nessa Barrett

Nessa Barrett - Pain

Canción: Pain
Artista: Nessa Barrett
Música: Pop

You took away my heart and
Told me we were different
Beautiful, with room to grow
You left me in the morning
Softly without warning
How was I supposed to know?

Oh, I'm trying
Give me a reason
To let you go 'cause
Right now, I can't
I'm in pain
I'm in pain


And I feel lost without you
Never thought to doubt you
Oh, who else is there to blame?
So save your best excuses
They can't get me through this
Maybe time can, maybe space

Oh, I'm trying
Give me a reason
To let you go 'cause
Right now, I can't
I'm in pain
I'm in pain

Should I say I'm sorry?
Did I mess it up?
All that you got from me
Was it not enough?

I'm in pain
I'm in pain
You're to blame
I'm in pain

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