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Letra de Daylight - Joji & Diplo

Lyrics de Joji - Letras de canciones de Joji

Daylight | Joji & Diplo Lyrics

Canción: Daylight
Artista: Joji & Diplo
Música: Urbana

Wide awake, gettin' half-past zero
It's gettin' heated, so I leave the windows open
(Leave the windows open)
Preoccupied with the late night B-roll
Right now, laying here alone is heaven
(Here alone is heaven)

And I've been a hero, helpless
I'm in hell
And I've cried up and down in these hallways
Blamed myself

Bad luck, I don't wanna be home at midnight
Sun's up, I don't really wanna fight the daylight
I don't care if you moved on
I'm not layin' in bed with a fucked-up head
I'm not layin' in bed with a fucked-up

Sun-dried on the backyard patio
Drunk eyes 'cause I didn't give it a home run
Yeah, yeah
You're hiding on the FM radio
I sing along just to sing my thoughts at someone
Yeah, yeah

And I've been a hero, helpless
I'm in hell (I'm in hell)
And I've cried up and down in these hallways
Blamed myself

Bad luck, I don't wanna be home at midnight
Sun's up, I don't really wanna fight the daylight
I don't care if you moved on
I'm not layin' in bed with a fucked-up head
I'm not layin' in bed with a fucked-up

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