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Letra de Concert For Aliens - Machine Gun Kelly

Lyrics de Machine Gun Kelly - Letras de canciones de Machine Gun Kelly

Machine Gun Kelly - Concert For Aliens

Canción: Concert For Aliens
Artista: Machine Gun Kelly
Música: Urbana


The headlines say "The world is over"
What ever happened to a fairy tale ending?
You can't pass if you don't know the code word
I'm inside a UFO crash landing
I'm in a room by the door with a space invader
I know that I'm immature
But at least I'm not a goddamn failure

SOS, I'm callin'
SOS, I'm calling out
SOS, I'm fallin'
SOS, I'm falling now

I'm upside down, I'm upside down, I'm upside down
My life is a roller coaster, roller coaster
Get me off this roller coaster
(Get me off this roller coaster)

I heard you never graduated from high school
The food sucked and the kids were awful
I know you wanted me to go to law school
I dyed my hair, pierced my nostril
I know I've done this before
But it's a mind eraser
I'm waking up on the floor
I gotta get my life back later

SOS, I'm callin'
SOS, I'm calling out
SOS, I'm fallin'
SOS, I'm falling now

I'm upside down, I'm upside down, I'm upside down
My life is a roller coaster, roller coaster
Get me off this roller coaster

I'm in too deep, I feel too much
I'm insecure, I fuck things up
I'm in too deep, I feel too much
I'm insecure, I did—fuck!

SOS, I'm callin'
SOS, I'm calling out
SOS, I'm fallin'
SOS, I'm falling now
I'm calling, I'm calling, I'm calling, I'm calling out
I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling now
I'm calling (SOS), I'm calling, I'm calling (SOS), I'm calling out
I'm falling (SOS), I'm falling, I'm falling (SOS), I'm falling now

Fuck, I said the wrong lyric
Ooh, keep that

En Amazon encuentra Concert For Aliens de Machine Gun Kelly:

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