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Letra de Childhood Dreams - Seraphine

Lyrics de Seraphine - Letras de canciones de Seraphine

Childhood Dreams | Seraphine Lyrics

Canción: Childhood Dreams
Artista: Seraphine
Música: Pop


I dream a hundred dreams a minute
And deep inside what I construct
So there's no use, don't even bother
Tonight is not the night for us

I have a million shapes a decade
I'm pass the point of no return
So don't even call, don't even bother
Cause I can make your mind concern

I'm running faster than before
Beats and tunes and lovers
Can not hold me back no more
I work alone
Is this all I'll ever know?

And I remember all my childhood dreams
I find it hard to get them out of my mind
And I remember all my childhood dreams
I find it hard to get them out of my mind
And I remember all my...

So as the night time hits my window
Sudden move to gain the lights
Cause I'm not even close to done yet
Well I won't leave unto in spite

And when the dawn emerges slowly
I realized the night has passed
The suns I made were visionary
Looking forward to go back

I'm running faster than before
Beats and tunes and lovers
Can not hold me back no more
I work alone
Is this all I'll ever know?

And I remember all my childhood dreams
I find it hard to get them out of my mind
And I remember all my childhood dreams
I find it hard to get them out of my mind



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