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Letra de Woman In Love - Barbra Streisand

Lyrics de Barbra Streisand - Letras de canciones de Barbra Streisand

Barbra Streissand - Woman In Love

Canción: Woman In Love
Artista: Barbra Streisand
Música: Pop

Life is a moment in space
When the dream is gone
It's a lonelier place

I kiss the morning goodbye
But down inside you know
We never know why

The road is narrow and long
When eyes meet eyes
And the feeling is strong

I turn away from the wall
I stumble and fall
But I give you it all

I am a woman in love
And I do anything
To get you into my world
And hold you within
It's a right I defend
Over and over again
What do I do?


With you eternally mine
In love there is
No measure of time

We planned it all at the start
That you and I
Live in each other's hearts

We may be oceans away
You feel my love
I hear what you say

No truth is ever a lie
I stumble and fall
But I give you it all

I am a woman in love
And I do anything
To get you into my world
And hold you within
It's a right I defend
Over and over again
What do I do?


I am a woman in love
And I'm talking to you
You know, I know, how it feels?
What a woman can do
It's a right I defend
over and over again

I am a woman in love
And I do anything
To get you into my world
And hold you within
It's a right I defend
Over and over again

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