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Letra de Womenizer - Britney Spears

Lyrics de Britney Spears - Letras de canciones de Britney Spears

Britney Spears - Womenizer

Canción: Womenizer
Artista: Britney Spears
Música: Pop

Where you from? How's it going?
I know you got a clue what you're doing
You can play brand new to all the other chicks out here
But I know what you are
What you are, baby

Look at you
Getting more than just a re-up
Baby, you got all the puppets with their strings up
Faking, like a good one, but I call 'em like I see 'em
I know what you are
What you are, baby

Womanizer, woman-womanizer
You're a womanizer, oh, womanizer, oh
You're a womanizer, baby
You-you-you are, you-you-you are
Womanizer, womanizer, womanizer

Boy, don't try to front I know just what you are
Boy, don't try to front I know just what you are
You got me going, you're oh-so charming
But I can't do it, you womanizer

Boy, don't try to front I know just what you are
Boy, don't try to front I know just what you are
You say I'm crazy, I got your crazy
You're nothing but a womanizer

You got the swagger of champion
Too bad for you, you just can't find the right companion
I guess when you have one too many, makes it hard
It could be easy, who you are
That's just who you are, baby

Must mistake me for a sucker
To think that I would be a victim, not another
Say it, play it how you wanna
But no way I'm ever gonna fall for you
Never you, baby

Womanizer, woman-womanizer
You're a womanizer, oh, womanizer, oh
You're a womanizer, baby
You-you-you are, you-you-you are
Womanizer, womanizer, womanizer

Boy, don't try to front I know just what you are
Boy, don't try to front I know just what you are
You got me going, you're oh-so charming
But I can't do it, you womanizer

Boy, don't try to front I know just what you are
Boy, don't try to front I know just what you are
You say I'm crazy, I got your crazy
You're nothing but a womanizer

Maybe if we both lived in a different world
(Womanizer, womanizer, womanizer, womanizer)
It would be all good, and maybe I could be your girl
But I can't cause we don't

Womanizer, woman-womanizer
You're a womanizer, oh, womanizer, oh
You're a womanizer, baby
You-you-you are, you-you-you are
Womanizer, womanizer, womanizer

Boy, don't try to front I know just what you are
Boy, don't try to front I know just what you are
You got me going, you're oh-so charming
But I can't do it, you womanizer

Boy, don't try to front I know just what you are
Boy, don't try to front I know just what you are
You say I'm crazy, I got your crazy
You're nothing but a womanizer

Boy, don't try to front I know just what you are
Boy, don't try to front I know just what you are
Womanizer, woman-womanizer
You're a womanizer, oh, womanizer, oh
You're a womanizer, baby

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