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Letra de Ma Baker - Boney M

Lyrics de Boney M - Letras de canciones de Boney M

Boney M - Ma Baker

Canción: Ma Baker
Artista: Boney M
Música: Pop


Freeze I'm Ma Baker
Put your hands in the air and give me all your money

This is the story of Ma Baker the meanest cat from old Chicago town)


She was the meanest cat
in old Chicago town
she was the meanest cat
she really mowed them down

She had no heart at all
no, no, no heart at all
she was the meanest cat
for she was really tough

She left her husband flat
he wasn't tough enough
she took her boys along
cause they were mean and strong

Ma Ma Ma Ma
Ma Baker
she taught her four sons
Ma Ma Ma Ma
Ma Baker
to handle there guns

Ma Ma Ma Ma
Ma Baker
she never could cry
Ma Ma Ma Ma
Ma Baker
but she knew how to die


They left a trail of crime
across the USA
and when one boy was killed
she really made them pay

She had no heart at all
no, no, no heart at all

Ma Ma Ma Ma
Ma Baker
she taught her four sons
Ma Ma Ma Ma
Ma Baker
to handle there guns

Ma Ma Ma Ma
Ma Baker
she never could cry
Ma Ma Ma Ma
Ma Baker
but she knew how to die

She met a man she liked
she thought she'd stay with him
one day he informed on them
they did away with him
she didn't care at all
just didn't care at all


Here is a special bulletin
Ma Baker is the FBI's most wanted woman
Her photo is hanging on every post office wall
If you have any information about this woman
Please contact the nearest police station

Don't anybody move the money or your life)


One day they robbed a bank
it was last foray
the cops appeared too soon
they couldn't get away
with all the loot they had
it made them mighty mad

And so they shot it out
Ma Baker and her sons
they didn't want to hang
they died with blazing guns
and so the story ends
of one who left no friends

Ma Ma Ma Ma
Ma Baker
she taught her four sons
Ma Ma Ma Ma
Ma Baker
to handle there guns

Ma Ma Ma Ma
Ma Baker
she never could cry
Ma Ma Ma Ma
Ma Baker
but she knew how to die


Ma Ma Ma Ma
Ma Baker
she taught her four sons
Ma Ma Ma Ma
Ma Baker
to handle there guns

Ma Ma Ma Ma
Ma Baker
she never could cry
Ma Ma Ma Ma
Ma Baker
but she knew how to die

En Amazon encuentra Ma Baker de Boney M:

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