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Letra de Brown Girl In The Ring - Boney M

Lyrics de Boney M - Letras de canciones de Boney M

Boney M - Brown Girl In The Ring

Canción: Brown Girl In The Ring
Artista: Boney M
Música: Pop

Brown girl in the ring
tra la la la la
there's a brown girl in the ring
tra la la la la la

Brown girl in the ring
tra la la la la
she looks like a sugar in a plum
plum plum

Show me your motion
tra la la la la
come on show me your motion
tra la la la la la

Show me your motion
tra la la la la
she looks like a sugar in a plum
plum plum

Old headwater run dry
got nowhere to wash my clothes
old headwater run dry
got nowhere to wash my clothes

I remember one Saturday night
we had fried fish and Johnny-cakes
I remember one Saturday night
we had fried fish and Johnny-cakes


Brown girl in the ring
tra la la la la
there's a brown girl in the ring
tra la la la la la

Brown girl in the ring
tra la la la la
she looks like a sugar in a plum
plum plum

Show me your motion
tra la la la la
come on show me your motion
tra la la la la la

Show me your motion
tra la la la la
she looks like a sugar in a plum
plum plum

Old headwater run dry
got nowhere to wash my clothes
old headwater run dry
got nowhere to wash my clothes

I remember one Saturday night
we had fried fish and Johnny-cakes
I remember one Saturday night
we had fried fish and Johnny-cakes


Brown girl in the ring
tra la la la la
see, brown girl in the ring
tra la la la la la

Brown girl in the ring
tra la la la la
she looks like a sugar in a plum
plum plum


Old headwater run dry
got nowhere to wash my clothes
old headwater run dry
got nowhere to wash my clothes

Brown girl in the ring
tra la la la la
look that brown girl in the ring
tra la la la la la

Brown girl in the ring
tra la la la la
she looks like a sugar in a plum
plum plum

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