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Letra de Gotta Go Home - Boney M

Lyrics de Boney M - Letras de canciones de Boney M

Boney M - Gotta Go Home

Canción: Gotta Go Home
Artista: Boney M
Música: Pop

Headin' for the islands
we're ready man and packed to go
when we hit those islands
there's gonna be a big hello

Diggin' all the sunshine
it's easy not to say goodbye
bye, bye, bye

Headin' for the islands
heyeah, we're really flyin' high

Gotta go home, home, home
gotta go home, home, home
gotta go home, home, home
gotta go home, home, home
gotta go home

Walkin' down the beaches
tomorrow mornin' we'll be there
golden sandy beaches
say, I can smell the breezy air

One more celebration
and then we're ready for goodbye
bye, bye, bye

Walkin' down the beaches
heyeah, we're really flyin' high

Gotta go home, home, home
gotta go home, home, home
gotta go home, home, home
gotta go home, home, home
gotta go home


Going back home
going back home
going back home
going back home
going back home
going back home
going back home
going back home

Gotta go home, home, home
gotta go home, home, home
gotta go home, home, home
gotta go home, home, home
gotta go home


Gotta go home, home, home
gotta go home, home, home
gotta go home, home, home
gotta go home, home, home
gotta go home

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