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Letra de Besame Mucho - Pedro Infante

Lyrics de Pedro Infante - Letras de canciones de Pedro Infante

Pedro Infante - Besame Mucho

Canción: Bésame Mucho
Artista: Pedro Infante
Música: Bolero

Bésame, bésame mucho
each time I cling to your kiss, I hear music divine
bésame mucho
hold me, my darling, and say that you'll always be mine

This joy is something new, my arms enfolding you
never knew this thrill before
whoever thought I'll be holding you close to me
whispering it's you I adore

Dearest one, if you should leave me
each little dream would take wing and my life would be through
bésame mucho
love me forever and make all my dreams come true

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