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Letra de It's Raining Again - Supertramp

Lyrics de Supertramp - Letras de canciones de Supertramp

Supertramp - It's Raining Again

Canción: It's Raining Again
Artista: Supertramp
Música: Pop

Oh, it's raining again
Oh no, my love's at an end
Oh no, it's raining again
You know it's hard to pretend

Oh no, it's raining again
Too bad I'm losing a friend
Oh no, it's raining again
Oh, will my heart never mend

You're old enough some people say
To read the signs and walk away
It's only time that heals the pain
And makes the sun come out again

It's raining again
Oh no, my love's at an end
Oh no, it's raining again
Too bad I'm losing a friend

La, la, la, ...

C'mon you little fighter
No need to get uptighter
C'mon you little fighter
And get back up again

It's raining again
Oh no, my love's at an end
Oh no, it's raining again
Too bad I'm losing a friend
Oh! Oh!


La, la, la, ...

C'mon you little fighter
No need to get uptighter
C'mon you little fighter
And get back up again
Oh, get back up again
Oh, fill your heart again...


(It's raining, it's pouring)
(The old man is snoring)
(He went to bed and bumped his head)
(And he couldn't get up in the

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