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Letra de What A Feelin' - Irene Cara

Lyrics de Irene Cara - Letras de canciones de Irene Cara

Irene Cara - What A Feelin'

Canción: What A Feelin'
Artista: Irene Cara
Música: Pop

First when there’s nothing but a slow glowing dream
that your fear seems to hide deep inside your mind
all alone I have cried silent tears full of pride
in a world made of steel, made of stone

Well I hear the music, close my eyes, feel the rhythm
wrap around take a hold of my heart

What a feeling bein’s believin’
I can’t have it all now I’m dancing’ for my life
take your passion and make it happen
pictures come alive you can dance right through your life


Now, I hear the music, close my eyes, I am rhythm
in a flash it takes hold of my heart

What a feeling bein’s believin’
I can’t have it all now I am dancing for my life

What a feeling

What a feeling (I am music now)
bein’s believin’ (I am rhythm now)
pictures come alive you can dance right through your life

What a feeling (I can really have it all)
what a feeling (pictures come alive when I call)
I can have it all (I can really have it all)
have it all (pictures come alive when I call)
(call, call, call, call, what a feeling) I can have it all
(bein’s believin’) bein’s believin’
(take your passion make it happen) make it happen
(what a feeling) what a feeling

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